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Pagoda Project

Flame of Hope Peace Pagoda Park

International Peace Center in the Heart of the Japanese Alps

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Flame of Hope at the Pagoda Peace Park: To realize a Better Future

  • The Flame of Hope will travel around the world, but it needs a home to come back to. Everybody will be welcome to visit the Flame of Hope at the Pagoda Peace Park.

    If you wish, you can also take part of the Flame with you. For example, you can plan a Shikoku – which means to take the Flame of Hope with you on a pilgrimage and pray in each place you stop in or pass by. You can also pray to and unite any sacred flame you know of or discover with the Flame of Hope that burns in the pagoda.

  • The Pagoda Peace Park will be used to explain the aftermath of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima; the Hiroshima Flame has been united with the Flame of Hope.

    Hibaku trees will be planted in the park. The Hibaku trees are the kind of trees that survived the Nagasaki atomic bomb.

    The Pagoda Peace Park will be a center for peace education where individuals and groups can learn about the history of the atomic bomb and the Second World War, as well as the current world situation and ongoing peace activities.

  • Just by visiting the Flame of Hope, people will feel the prayer power of the world, and so the Pagoda Peace Park will act as a “power hub,” a place to feel the power of prayer and be healed.

Implementation Plan and Use of Funds

The Pagoda Peace Park is built next to the Buddhist Wadaji International Nembutsu Dojo in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture in Japan.


The pagoda is a stupa, but is also a place of prayer for people from all over the world — we want to transcend religious boundaries. We plan to recruit volunteers from all over the world to work together to create the park.

All funds raised for this project will be used for the construction of the Flame of Hope Peace Pagoda Park. If the amount of money raised exceeds our goal, we will invest the extra funds into peace education resources for the park.

Implementation Schedule

April 2020: Production of the pagoda roof and frame at a woodworking factory

October 2020: Pagoda walls will be made (self-built, using earthbag construction)

October 2020: Pagoda roof will be put in place and outer walls will be plastered

October 2020: Planting the Pagoda gardens

November 2020: Pagoda interior fittings and stained glass window production and installation

December 2020: Pagoda mosaic floor installed, ceiling painted

May 2021: Completion of the Flame of Hope Pagoda Peace Park!

The Rakukei Hoyo — A ceremony will be held upon completion of the construction, which will include the installation of the Flame of Hope and planting of Hibaku trees.

Children Praying

Final Thoughts

Our goal is to light the Flame of Hope in the hearts of children around the world! We look forward to meeting many more people who share this deep wish.

In the words of Helen Keller:

Your wish for peace and unification for the future of the world, and the action you take to achieve it, is the “hope” of our world.

The world will change when the Flame of Hope is lit in all people’s hearts!

Share the Earth, Happiness, and Freedom!

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